Saturday, July 30, 2011


 278863_10150326354046882_675491881_9561800_2714492_oThis is a picture I just took of my video monitor as documentation of how well “naptime” is going. He’s not yelling or mad. In fact, he’s having a great conversation with someone. Woody, maybe?

We’re about to start ‘sleep bootcamp’ around here. I won’t go into great detail here, but with the move and all of the changes going on, Zane’s sleep schedule is really messed up. He’s been staying up late, sleeping late, refusing naps and then crashing late in the afternoon…which makes him stay up late again…and the cycle continues.

Anyway, that’s beside the point. I wanted to include this to remember a few things about how funny Zane is.

A few minutes after I took this picture, he started yelling, “Daddy Matt! Ane poo poo, Daddy Matt!”  Too bad ‘Daddy Matt’ looked like this:280325_10150326356756882_675491881_9561810_8215642_o Which means that “Mama Churra” got to do the dirty work. Yes, he really calls us by our first names. Sometimes he even calls Matt “Daddy Matt Bell” but it sounds like “Daddy Matt Beh-yull”. So funny.

While I was changing his diaper he started singing ‘Old McDonald Had a Farm’. He came up with this all on his own. Because I’m not that creative. His verse: “With a poop poop here and a poop poop there. Here a poop. There a poop. Everywhere a poop poop!”

He went right back down after a clean bottom. Which means we’re once again at the late nap. Down for the count at 3pm. Great.

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