Monday, January 30, 2012


 snowbaby1Daddy was home Saturday and he and Zane got out to play in the snow a little. I put this little cutie in her snowsuit, but we didn’t stay out long. The wind started blowing pretty hard. Every time a big gust of wind would come, Hollin would act really surprised. She would suck in a big breath and get really wide-eyed. But how cute is this snowsuit???squishy mommy&hollin snowdiggingThis little guy had a great time playing with his new digger that Mama Doot got him for Christmas. He made a few snow angels and threw around some snow.snowangelsnowzThen I snapped a few pics of him inside with his crazy hair, rosy cheeks, big brown eyes, and Polar Express shirt. Every morning he’s been getting himself dressed before he comes downstairs—including picking out his own clothes. It may be 12 degrees outside and the middle of winter, but most days he comes downstairs with shorts and a t-shirt on. When I try to get him to put on pants he says, “These are my pants. They my fav-rit.” Everything is his ‘fav-rit’ right now.cheeseAnd he likes to wear Matt’s boots. Today that resulted in him falling in the kitchen and busting his top lip. It looked bad (why do mouth injuries have to bleed so much??) but I think the final result is just a busted, bruised, puffy upper lip. Poor guy.boots1boots2In other news, it was 45 degrees today in Madison! Everyone keeps telling us that this is the warmest winter ever….I’ll take it! Just hope we don’t pay for it later….

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