Tuesday, August 14, 2012


How is it August already? How is it the middle of August already and I haven't posted all month? I guess we've just been busy? I know that I was definitely busy the first week of August, as my partner in crime spent the week in Boston. I missed the extra set of hands, tag teaming bath time, adult conversation. I missed my husband and the kiddos missed their daddy!

The Schneiders came to see us in Wisconsin. It was SO nice having friends from Arkansas visit us. We ordered the perfect weather for them. I think the high all weekend was 75, lows in the 50s. I didn't get any pictures of us together, but we had fun. We went to the Union on Friday evening and got ice cream. Saturday morning we went to the farmer's market on the square and had brunch at The Old Fashioned. Sunday afternoon we took the kids to the zoo. I enjoyed the outings, but also loved just hanging out at the house, watching the Olympics, playing with babies, and just enjoying each others' company. And I just discoved Instagram, so I'm experimenting with the pics.

This was our first zoo trip as a family of four.

When I asked Zane what the camel was called, he said, "A hump...backed.......whale." And then looked at me like, 'duh, mom'. I liked his answer better than the right answer, so I just rolled with it. I could see where it came from. He told the other kids that the polar bear was "Captain Barnacles" (a character from Octonauts). And he was obsessed with the cutouts that you stick your face in. I think he went to every single one of them....but this is the only picture I ended up with and he's not even looking at the camera. I think I just pretended to take his picture in most of them. Does that make me terrible?

This was obviously not at the zoo, but I wanted to share. It looks like Paisley is trying to teach Hollin how to crawl. They're just talking it over. Ya know, like girlfriends.


1 comment:

HickChickBritt said...

Haha it looks like Hollin already has the CHEESE smile down! How cute! Did she enjoy the zoo? We took Hayes to the Fair the other day, and he was way more interested in people watching than looking at the animals. Except for the beef cows. Haha apparently he likes meat.