Hollin’s arrival into this world (and my maternity leave) came at a great time! For the first time, I didn’t have to worry about being off of work for the holidays. Very convenient, considering that we had a little bit further to travel this year. The kids and I were able to spend 18 days in Arkansas for Thanksgiving and 13 days for Christmas. Sounds like a long time, but somehow I still wasn’t able to see everyone that I wanted to. Matt was there for about four days for Christmas and over a week for Thanksgiving.
It was great to spend time with family and friends. We were spoiled with too many presents and too much food. And very grateful for all of it.
Santa came to Conway & brought Z a trunk of costumes.
Hollin got some cute clothes and a chair for her room.
And just when we thought we owned every toy ever made, we headed to Hampton where we were proven wrong.
Of course, he enjoyed playing in the ice chest best.
Sweet girl
Sweet babies with Mammaw Alice
The day after Christmas was not Matt’s best day.
No, he didn’t get into Zane’s costumes…this is a make-shift eye patch he wore after Zane accidentally poked him in the eye and caused a corneal abrasion. I was really worried because he had to drive 900 miles home the next day. By himself. And eyes are pretty important for driving. Thankfully, he got some medicine and was much better the next day.
There’s a commercial running right now…I think for AllState. They play the theme song from Cheers. “Sometimes you wanna go Where everybody knows your name. And they’re always glad you came. You wanna go where you can see Troubles are all the same. You wanna go where everybody knows your name.” Pulls at my heart strings right now. You don’t realize how true that is until you move to a place where no one knows your name. But that’s another story.
Here are a few kiddos that know my name.
1 comment:
It was so good to see you both times! MIss you and hate that I'm missing out on so much Bell time!
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