Is that not the sweetest face you’ve ever seen? Matt went home Sunday morning to tell Zane that his new little sister was here! They both headed to the airport to pick up his DeeDee and then came straight to the hospital so that he could meet Hollin.
When he first walked in the room, he came straight to me and asked if had a boo-boo. I still had an IV in my hand, so he was a little concerned with that. I told him that it had medicine in it that was making me better and that baby Hollin was there to see him. He said, “Her not in you tum-tum no more? You tum-tum not big anymore?”
He was very excited to hold her and gave her lots of kisses. He said, “She so tiii-ny.”
Then, just as any good puppy dog would do, he gave her a nice lick on the nose.
And he thought it was hilarious! Here’s a close-up.
We asked him if it was ok to feed her pizza and he said, “No, her don’t have any teeth.” Is it ok if we bite Hollin? “No, she not so tasty.” Funny kid. Matt dressed him in his ‘Big Bro’ shirt and then he insisted on the hat and boots. And DeeDee made him a ‘Woody vest’ for Halloween and obviously he had to wear it immediately!
Here’s our first picture as a family of four.Her actual due date was November 5th and we had planned the delivery for October 28th. My mom had booked her flight for the 26th, and Matt’s mom & dad hadn’t booked their flights yet, but were planning to come the beginning of that week, too. So, obviously none of them were here waiting for her arrival when we headed to the hospital on the 15th! We were so lucky that they flew up here on the first flights available!
DeeDee left Little Rock on a 6am flight and was here by noon!
Nana Beth was at the hospital by 10 that night. They were so disappointed to miss the birth and so anxious to get their hands on this baby that you would’ve thought that they waited a year! They both met her before she was even a day old and she will never know the difference.
Here are a few of the only pictures I’ve gotten with her eyes open. They were taken on Tuesday, our first afternoon home.
Congratulations, I am so happy for yo guys! That is so fun that you went into labor early. And there is just nothing like seeing your firstborn become a big bro (or sis)!!
Oh, little boys who become big brothers! Giving loving licks and questioning new little sis's flavor potential--love it! I hope y'all are doing good. Both your kidlets are precious!
She is PRECIOUS and so dainty! I had heard about your delivery with Zane- poor thing! I bet you were sad about that C/S with Hollin's head being so small:)! Bet it would have been a little easier this time- Ha! I absolutely LOVE Zane's outfit too and all his cute quotes. Also, encouraging that it is easier the second time around- Josh said the drive home was the most tense drive he's ever had... and it was a beautiful day and we only live 3 miles from the hospital.:)
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