Friday, February 15, 2013

Valentine's Day

My little 'Balentine'


My Valentiny-tine

Treats from my sweets

Aunt Gigi made these adorable shirts and Hollin's headband for Valentine's Day. Z liked that his had a sailboat like Uncle Bob's. It was a 'love boat'. Zane helped me make the rice crispy hearts for their friends at Ms. Jeri's. his favorite part was obviously the sprinkles!

Coloring hearts at the babysitter's

Loving these pigtails on Ha Bear.

And the peek-a-boo

I made Zane heart-shaped waffles. He loved them. So much that he wouldn't eat them. "They're too beautiful to eat! I will be so sad!" So I gave him Hollin's regular waffles. She had no problem eating the heart-shaped ones!

Matt and I beat the crowd by going to dinner a week before V Day. We met after work last Thursday at The Wonderbar Steakhouse, an excellent restaurant here in Madison that opened in 1929. We had this table right by the fireplace, which was perfect because it was snowing hard outside!

We also had some news to celebrate....NOT baby news! More on that later.



  1. Beautiful babies! I enjoy reading your blog. Your children are so precious.

  2. "Lol" to the "not baby news." =) You know you're ready to get no sleep, gain a ton of weight, and generally feel yucky again! Just kidding. Glad y'all had some news worth celebrating!

  3. of course i immediately thought baby news. ;)

    i have the wonderbar on our "must do before leaving madtown list."
