Sunday, February 12, 2012



Thursday is library day. In an attempt to fight off cabin fever, we started going to the local branch of the library a few weeks ago. They have a toddler storytime. I was super nervous about Zane, in a library, being still….and quiet??? and listening to a story. Thankfully, it is in a separate room and there is just enough structure and un-structure to keep his attention.library2A sweet lady (with way more patience than me) reads stories, sings songs, and plays with puppets. Very entertaining.

Zane is probably the oldest kid there and really enjoys it. He sings (yells) the songs as loud as he can. Dances around the room. Tells everyone that he brought his little sister. She usually takes a nap amongst the chaos and I just like having an excuse to dress her up.hlibraryI love observing Zane in different settings. And can’t help but laugh when he runs up and says, “What we gone do next, Teach-uh?!”library1 He has a really hard time leaving afterwards. No matter how well I think my pep talks go before we go to the library (‘We’re going to be a big boy when it’s time to leave, right? No crying today, ok!?’)…..I’ve ended up dragging him out screaming every week.

I’m still figuring out how to do things with two kids. Inevitably, he needs to tee-tee as soon as the class gets started. The easiest thing would be to put her in the stroller and take her in….but sometimes it’s an emergency situation and I have to act fast. So, last time I just carried her in with us. And this would be the time that he forgets to aim, my hands are full and I can’t help, and so I end up cleaning a bathroom. I had no idea one little boy could get pee in so many different places! I’m thinking a newly potty-trained girl has got to be easier, right? We shall see in a few short years.prettygirlOne final picture, just because you can see that her eyes are still blue. Gotta love that extra chin, too!blueeyes 


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