Sunday, September 20, 2009

Rosemary Beach

Zane's first trip to the beach! He didn't know that you weren't supposed to eat the sand. Oops! That's the cutest little sand-covered face I've ever seen!

Things Zane loved about the beach:

*Listening to the ocean during naps
*Attending Nicole's wedding

*Aunt Lindsey getting engaged*Playing with Skeet
*Getting ice cream from the Sugar Shack*Eating said ice cream*Eating lemons
*Playing with mom in the sand*Strolling around town*Hiding in the pillowsThings Zane did not like about the beach:

*The waves splashing him

*Waiting on food

*Pauses between bites of ice cream
*Not seeing Dad-o for a weekMore likes than dislikes equals future trips to the beach! Yay!

Here's a video of Zane playing "Pop goes the Weasel" in the couch cushions.

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