The blog is back! I love having my printed version of the blog in books and reading about the funny things Zane said and the milestones he and Hollin hit. I want the same documentation for baby Bell #3 so that's where we'll start! Here's a little photo journey of the months leading up to our big surprise blessing!
The 'Southern' Bells
Monday, October 19, 2015
Monday, September 1, 2014
Monday, December 2, 2013
Thanksgiving 2013
He is thankful for God and his family. We sure are thankful for him and his school and teachers.
We started out Thanksgiving week with a laid back day at home, a scary-looking head injury in the garage, and making turkey hats to cover the knot/bruise.
We ended the week with our families, food, and fevers.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Our little pumpkin turns two.
We had so much fun celebrating Hollin's second birthday at the pumpkin patch! A definite bonus of having an October birthday. The weather was perfect and the kids had a great time! They played in the pumpkin patch and were able to pick a pumpkin, saw animals, went on a hay ride, and (the definite favorite) played in the corn pit.
This sweet big brother wanted to pick out a gift for his sister. He chose a Dora guitar!
Happy birthday, Hollin Bell! You are one spunky, expressive, articulate, beautiful two year old!
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Zane starts "shooull"
My big boy started pre-school at Little Rock Christian Academy and we are all very excited/nervous. Other than Sunday School, Zane has never been in a classroom setting. He has been with me, DeeDee, Nana, Mrs. Jeri, and babysitters at our house. We've been telling him about school for about a year now and I'm pretty sure this whole time he's been thinking we were talking about Sunday school. When we were dropping him off the first day, he asked Matt, "Are you guys going to church while I'm here?" Matt said, "No, but we probably need to!"
I just couldn't wait to pick him up from his first day and have him run into my arms and tell me all about it. Bwahahaha! Yeah right. The teacher said that they had to wake his whole class up to leave school. He is a BEAR if he gets woken up from a nap. He was SO grumpy. He told me to stop asking questions and that he didn't want to talk about it. Boo! This mama needed to know!
Right after we got home, I got a call from his teacher. My first thought was "Uh oh, this can't be good." She was calling to tell me that he got stung by a bee on the playground. Poor buddy had to go to the nurse's office on his very first day of school.
He always gets really talkative at bedtime (stall tactic). A few random facts I got were:
*we ate wunch in our classroom
*we took a SO long nap and took our shoes off before nap
*we sang 'Jesus Loves Me'. But I didn't sing, I just danced.
*we got this sticker for helping clean up. But I didn't help because I was playing train table (not sure why he still got a sticker)
*i drew a picture of me and mrs price
*my favorite was playing on the playground at recess.
*and this. I told him before his first day that some kids might be sad to leave their mommy and daddy. I told him that if he saw anyone crying he should try to be their friend. So when he was going to sleep, he told me this. "Mommy, I tried to make that little girl stop crying at recess. She was so sad. She wanted her mommy. But I couldn't get her to stop crying." I was sad for the little girl, but at the same time, so proud of my little boy.
Update: Zane has now been in school for almost four weeks. I think he loves it. I've noticed that school exhausts him and his appetite has increased tenfold. Occasionally I will hear him singing songs from school, but he won't perform them for me. He talks about Reese and Parker a lot. They play "superheroes" together. I'm so glad he's making new friends.
His adventures so far include:
*being stung by a bee on his first day and going to the nurse's office
*tummy ache the next couple of days
*going to the nurse's office again for a skinned knee
*pink eye
*and being "temporarily missing" one day
Always an adventure...
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
eighteen months.
Another common word I hear way too often is "mine". She does not share we'll. We are working on sharing with her brother. Constantly. She likes to push him in the face as she announces, "mine!" His patience is pretty good for a four year old....but the tattling. Oh, the tattling.
Take one look at her and it's obvious she's a toddler and no longer a baby. Love that she's a little more independent, but sad to lose my baby.
Zane and Hollin, both at 18 months.
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
seventeen months.